Nov 28/2017 10:40 AM
Blood level 458. You would have thought that I had eaten a whole turkey for diner before eating a chicken as a desert. I took my insulin shots on time.
Joke:A zoo keeper accidentally spilled a 10 gallon barrel of ammonium in the PANDA HOUSE causing chaos! "The animals are running everywhere!" said the keeper. He quickly picked up his secret for fixing these things, a loud speaker fixed to the pana's ear frequency :" Help! Stop this chaos! he said to the animals! There was a large ammonium spill. IT IS CAUSING PANDA-AMONIIA! The bears were shaken but, when they found out it wasn't bad, they all relaxed after finding their hero next to them uninjured. The zoo keeper repaired the damage.
Now isn't it good to know why I take insulin shots for diabetes? It makes me remember the time I saw the ammonium spil at the zoo.
Wednesday, November 28, 2018
Monday, November 26, 2018
Tuesday, November 20, 2018
1/20/18 7:20 AM blood 264
A guy with an injured arm went to a
doctor. The doctor took one look at him
and said, "Open your mouth, stick out your tongue and say
'ahhhhh'." The patient was
overcome with incredulity. "It's my arm that's injured, not my
tongue!" Upon which the doctor said, "All right. Open your mouth, stick out your ARM and say
Sunday, November 18, 2018
11/18/18 6:45 AM Blood 271
difference between the pope and Martin Luther:
Pope: Brother, can you spare a dime
Martin Luther: Brother can you paradigm?
What did Adam tell God late on
the sixth day of creation? "Go
ahead. Make my day." (Famous line from “Dirty Harry” movies
starring Clint Eastwood)
29 11/20/18 7:15 AM Blood 264
A guy with an injured arm went to a
doctor. The doctor took one look at him
and said, "Open your mouth, stick out your tongue and say
'ahhhhh'." The patient was
overcome with incredulity. "It's my arm that's injured, not my
tongue!" Upon which the doctor said, "All right. Open your mouth, stick out your ARM and say
Tuesday, November 13, 2018
11/13/18 1:05 PM Blood 261
Teacher: Johnny! You
do so will in all your subjects except
in arithmetic! It seems like you
leave a lot of the answers blank! Why is
“Because the problem requires me to subtract the number 4 from something!” he replied.
“Because the problem requires me to subtract the number 4 from something!” he replied.
“Why is
that important?” she asked.
mommy says it’s evil!
puzzled teacher paused. “Why is it
evil?” she asked.
you said that subtracting is negating, didn’t you? It’s like every time you put a minus sign in
front of a number you’re negating it, right?
Isn’t that what you said?
“Why, yes. It makes the 4 a negative number. Why is that evil?
“My mommy said it is a sin to be a four-negator!”
“Why, yes. It makes the 4 a negative number. Why is that evil?
“My mommy said it is a sin to be a four-negator!”
Monday, November 12, 2018
Sunday, November 11, 2018
New Joke
11/11/18 6:42 AM Blood 188
cross between a crow and a bat?
Acrobat. Cross it with a
tic? Acrobatics.
you heard that Saddam's troops were treated to "ShockNAwes" ice
I made a new product.
It will do the same thing for cream that Coffee Mate did for
coffee. I'm calling it
"CreamMate". I'm getting the
ingredients from the best crematoriums.
Saturday, November 10, 2018
Friday, November 9, 2018
11/9/18 Blood 247 (I forgot and ate breakfast this morning of 4 eggs.)
Angry Shirt
When I was a kid my mom told me, "I want you to hang up
your shirt until your dad gets home." As I tried to do so my shirt
rebelled! "Why are you so disturbed?" I asked my shirt.
"Well," said the shirt. "If you were told you were to be hung
by the neck until dad, wouldn't you be filled with hangar too?"
Thursday, November 8, 2018
Wednesday, November 7, 2018
Satan, the allegator.
Blood level. 173 11/7/18 10:21 AM
I have a good joke to tell you. Why is an alligator better suited to be the devel than Lucifer? An alligator makes all of the ALLEGATIONS.
I have a good joke to tell you. Why is an alligator better suited to be the devel than Lucifer? An alligator makes all of the ALLEGATIONS.
Blood 310 6:41 AM 11/07/2018
A preacher wanted to get his
congregation to read the Bible more often.
He planted a subliminal suggestion in background music to his
sermon. It was just one word spoken over
over again:
"Bible...Bible...Bible". Sure
enough, by the next week most had bought a bull.
Tuesday, November 6, 2018
4:15 PM 11/6/18
One cannibal
said to another, “How was dinner with your aunt last night?”
“Both good and bad. When I got there I found she was so generous with other people she gave away all our food and we had nothing to make soup with.”
“Both good and bad. When I got there I found she was so generous with other people she gave away all our food and we had nothing to make soup with.”
did you do?
“I killed her, put her in the vat, cooked and ate her.”
“I killed her, put her in the vat, cooked and ate her.”
What did you add to your soup to make it so gooood?
best __ "ingredient" is an "un- greedy- aunt!”
9:51 AM 11/6/18 blood 193.
When I was a kid my mom told me, "I want you to hang up
your shirt near the nick nack until your dad gets home." As I tried
to do so my shirt rebelled! "Why are you so disturbed?" I asked
my shirt. "Well," said the shirt. "If you were told
you were to be hung by the neck until dad, wouldn't you be filled with hangar
Monday, November 5, 2018
11;5;18 7:21 AM
Blool 155
Blool 155
you heard of the aardvark that had amnesia?
I told him, "You're an aardvark". Then
he denied it saying, "I ant eater!"
Teacher: Johnny! You
do so will in all your subjects except
in arithmetic! It seems like you
leave a lot of the answers blank! Why is
“Because the problem requires me to subtract the number 4 from something!” he replied.
“Because the problem requires me to subtract the number 4 from something!” he replied.
“Why is
that important?” she asked.
mommy says it’s evil!
puzzled teacher paused. “Why is it
evil?” she asked.
you said that subtracting is negating, didn’t you? It’s like every time you put a minus sign in
front of a number you’re negating it, right?
Isn’t that what you said?
“Why, yes. It makes the 4 a negative number. Why is that evil?
“My mommy said it is a sin to be a four-negator!”
“Why, yes. It makes the 4 a negative number. Why is that evil?
“My mommy said it is a sin to be a four-negator!”
Sunday, November 4, 2018
Bood 154 1:56 PM 11/4/18
My girl scout.
My girl scout.
T'was the morning of camp out. I had to prepare
I knew that my hip teenage daughter'd be there.
I knew she'd be picky 'bout all that I'd say
I wanted to please her so she'd let me stay.
The first think I did was to shelve all my books.
I shaved and wore skin cream to upgrade my looks.
I had a renewing of my brain synapses
And one-by-one purged out the rest of my sin-lapses.
I thought I was ready this time to please-please her
To make her calm, happy and to fully ease-ease her.
But all baby boomers, old, as such as I am,
One whose war era is called "Viet
Can only take on him the role of a dad.
That I do well and it makes me glad-glad.
So I wish that I could be modern, cool-cool.
Just like the kids who she knows in high-school.
Maybe one day I can do that, some way.
Yes, maybe the future - but not yet today.
So I went to camp-out, read tales by the fire.
I fed her and hugged her and hoped to inspire
And found that we bonded and our love increased.
And all her anxiety, thence was released.
And still I wasn't close to cool-cool
But none of that mattered much when we were through.
I may never be like her teen-age best friend.
But she has both her and me too in the end.
Love you dear.
Blood 154 11:4:18 1:48 PM
cannibal said to another, “How was dinner with your aunt last night?”
“Both good and bad. When I got there I found she was so generous with other people she gave away all our food and we had nothing to make soup with.”
“Both good and bad. When I got there I found she was so generous with other people she gave away all our food and we had nothing to make soup with.”
did you do?
“I killed her, put her in the vat, cooked and ate her.”
“I killed her, put her in the vat, cooked and ate her.”
did she taste?
best ingredient is an un greedy aunt!”
Saturday, November 3, 2018
7:34 AM 11/3/18
Blood 158
Blood 158
LITTLE PIGS by Thomas Dobbs
Once upon a time, in a faraway rainforest, there lived a
family of 4 little pigs. There lived Daddy pig, Andy pig, Randy pig, and their
sister, Sandy pig.
Now one day, while Andy and Randy where playing in the field,
Daddy came out and said, “Andy Randy stop that! Now today is the day that you
get ready to go out into the world and build homes of your own.”
“All by ourselves? Out among the wolves?” The two pigs
replied. “Now, now you have nothing to fear for you are strong smart boys who
can take care of your selves,” Daddy replied back.
Then Daddy went to Sandy pig saying “Sandy today is the day
you get ready to go out into the world to build a home of your own.” Sandy
replied “O Daddy I am ready, but first I want to show you some drawings. You
see these are my plans for my plans for a state of the art
brick house.” But the only response she got from Daddy was “Well, isn’t that
cute. It’s a picture of a house. Well don’t you worry darling daughter. Your
brothers will take care of you.” So the very next day the three little pigs
went out into the world to build homes of their own.
Andy’s home was built of straw, Randy’s home was built of
sticks, and Sandy’s home was a state of the art brick house. When the three houses were finished, Sandy
came to her two brothers saying “Dear brothers that house of straw over there,
and this house of sticks. Well they will not keep you safe when the wolf comes
to call.”
Then Andy and Randy replied “We have nothing to fear for we
are strong smart boys who can take care of ourselves.” Then Sandy just turned
away shook her head and mumbled quietly to herself “I cannot believe those are
my brothers.”
That very night the wolf came up to Andy’s house of straw and
said “Little pig, little pig let me come in.”
All sacking in fear Andy responded “n-n-n-not by the hair on
my ch-ch-chiny chin chin.”
The wolf said “Then I’ll huff and I’ll puff and I’ll blow
your house down.” And just like a hurricane upon a village in just a few
seconds the house was turned to rubble on the ground. All filled with panic and
fear, Andy ran as fast as he could to Randy’s house to hide. Then the next day
the wolf found them and said: “Little pigs, little pigs let me come in!” Then
the two pigs replied together “NOT BY THE HAIR ON OUR CHINY CHIN CHINS!” Then,
just like Andy’s house, the wolf took a deep breath and blew Randy’s house of
sticks to the ground.
Getting desperate, Andy and Randy ran over to their sister’s
house of bricks and started pounding at the door until they heard Sandy saying
“Coming. Oh can’t a girl get a decent night’s sleep?” Then the moment the door
opened Andy and Randy both came rushing into the house screaming “Oh Sandy dear
sister save us from the wolf.” Then Sandy replied “Oh from the wolf? I
couldn’t. I am just a girl.” Then Andy and Randy both said together “Oh
no-no-no-no-no! You are just as strong and smart as we are. Stronger, smarter,
much smarter.
We are just numskulls, dimwits, chuckle-heads.”
Hearing the panic in their voices she agreed to let them in.
The wolf, getting tired of blowing the houses down only to have his prey escape,
he thought he would try to trick the
pigs into coming out. After all how intelligent could a pig be? So that night
at around midnight the three little pigs heard a voice coming from the chimney
saying “Ho-HO-Ho it is I Santa Clause with presents for three good little pigs.
Ho-H-Ho” Hearing this Andy and Randy both got really excited and started
jumping in joy. Then Sandy said “Boys think. Christmas is in December and this
is the middle of summer.” Taking a moment to think it over Andy and Randy shout
together: “HE’S EARLY!” And then started dancing around in circles like idiots.
Then Sandy said to herself “They couldn’t be my brothers.” And then she grabbed
a rocket from her basement that she had been saving from the fourth of July and
shot it up the fireplace. Then as the three little pigs stood outside Andy
asked Sandy “Where is Santa going?” Randy asked. “Will he be coming back?” Then Sandy said to
herself, “Definitely not my brothers.”
Friday, November 2, 2018
Thursday, November 1, 2018
Blood 183 11/1/18 2/17/PM
` How
many bunnies does it take to build the Washington Monument? Twenty thousand. Ten to do the blue prints, the rest are for
many elephants does it take to build the Washington Monument? Fifty one.
Only fifty if they buy the blue prints from the bunnies.
One elephant says to another, "How many big game
hunters does it take to make a good shish kabob?
Six. Three on each tusk.
Six. Three on each tusk.
14 What do you get when you cross
an insect, a hummingbird and a lamb? A
Johnny! You do so will in all your
subjects except in arithmetic! It seems like you leave a lot of the answers
blank! Why is this?
“Because the problem requires me to subtract the number 4 from something!” he replied.
“Because the problem requires me to subtract the number 4 from something!” he replied.
“Why is
that important?” she asked.
mommy says it’s evil!
puzzled teacher paused. “Why is it
evil?” she asked.
you said that subtracting is negating, didn’t you? It’s like every time you put a minus sign in
front of a number you’re negating it, right?
Isn’t that what you said?
“Why, yes. It makes the 4 a negative number. Why is that evil?
“My mommy said it is a sin to be a four-negator!” (fornecater)
“Why, yes. It makes the 4 a negative number. Why is that evil?
“My mommy said it is a sin to be a four-negator!” (fornecater)
17 A breeder crossed a sheep with a cow
hoping to get beef and wool from the same animal but all he got was an animal
that was always in a baaaaad mooooood.
Why did the elephant wish he had only one ear? He didn't want to be two ear-elephant. (Too irrelevant.)
A chicken was flying across town to buy some
leather made out of otter's skin as a present for his brother. Getting rather
tired, he searched for a place to rest his weary wings. Looking down, he spied an Easter parade in
which a huge crucifix was being carried down the street in
same direction he happened to be going.
Being an opportunistic fowl, he perched on top of the crucifix. No one was wondering why the "chicken
crossed the road", but rather, why the "chicken rode the cross".
Only the chicken knew the answer: "to get to the otter's hide".
11/1/18 Blood 155
The man bought his wife a deaf horse in an effort to save his marriage.
When he brought it to his wife she said, "You fool! I didn't tell you I wanted a deaf horse! I said I wanted a DIVORCE! Dogonit!
To which he replied, "Well, if you wanted a dog on it you should have told me yesterday when the kennel was open!"
To which he replied, "Well, if you wanted a dog on it you should have told me yesterday when the kennel was open!"
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Bood level 249 3/15/19
9:22 AM 10/25/18 118 Sugar A chicken was flying across town to buy some leather made out of otter's skin as a present for her br...
11/11/18 6:42 AM Blood 188 A cross between a crow and a bat? Acrobat. Cross it with a tic? Acrobatics. Have you heard that Sadda...
4:15 PM 11/6/18 One cannibal said to another, “How was dinner with your aunt last night?” “Both good and bad. When I got there I found ...